Aquatic Construction Services
As an experienced aquatic contractor we can help your team deliver a quality project on time

How Can We Assist You With Your Aquatic Construction Needs?
Soucy Aquatik can provide a high-level of service working as a general contractor or subcontractor for your aquatic project. Our construction experience also gives us a better design expertise that ensures longer lasting projects. Our construction work includes structural work, concrete and formwork, mechanical, electrical, ventilation and finishes. Furthermore, our work also includes restoration and renovation of fountains, pools, spas, water parks and aquatic play pads.
Our skilled and specially trained workforce ensures that the equipment is installed correctly and our project managers are actively on-site to supervise the work. Our team is with you every step of the way!
We want to make sure your aquatic project is delivered on time and as per your schedule without sacrificing the quality and durability of the final project.
Aquatic Construction Awards and Recognition
Some of Our Greatest Aquatic Construction Projects
We have collaborated on these aquatic projects and provided our construction services.
Other Achievements
Are you looking for assistance with the construction of your aquatic project?
We can help you plan the construction of your project and coordinate with other professionals on the job site
Why Work With Us for Your Aquatic Construction?
Finding the proper aquatic specialist for your project design and selecting the appropriate equipment comes hand in hand with choosing the right contractor that can put it all together. As an aquatic contractor we have built hundreds of aquatic projects from fountains, to commercial pools, to spas and hot tubs. We have the experience it takes to build a durable aquatic project and we know what to do, but more importantly we know what not to do. Soucy Aquatik can provide you with the construction insight you need to know before bidding on a project.
Over the years we have renovated and restored pools and fountains as well as completed repairs on commercial pools. We have seen all the common problems that can occur and know exactly what to do to fix them and prevent them from happening again. This is why it is so important to have quality construction in your aquatic project from the get-go.
Aquatic Construction Awards and Recognition
Canadian Pool and Hot Tub Council | Design & Construction Award 2018 | Gold
The Place-des-Arts Fountain located in Montreal, Quebec was recognized by the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada with a GOLD award in the following category: Public or Multi-Family Stand-Alone Water Features or Fire Features – All sizes and stand-alone installations.
Canadian Pool and Hot Tub Council | Design & Construction Award 2018 | Gold
The outdoor pool at Bissonnette Park located in Beauharnois, Quebec was recognized by the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada with a GOLD award in the following category: Public Pool – Municipal (city, town, regional area) pool both indoor and outdoor.
Canadian Pool and Hot Tub Council | Design & Construction Award 2017 | Gold
Place des Canotiers located in Quebec City, Quebec was recognized by the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada with a GOLD award in the following category: Water Features.
Contact Our Aquatic Experts for Construction Advice
Soucy Aquatik helps to deliver quality aquatic construction on time, on budget and prevent problems that can impact the rest of the project